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That's our ethos.  That's our secret sauce.  Years ago we read that the purest cyclist on earth is the cross-continent bike tourist.  Yeah, that guy.  He's got water bottles hanging off homemade panniers, unkept hair flowing behind his helmet, and sandals.  Definitely in sandals.  No finish line.  No power profiles.  Just pedals.  


Now, many finish lines later, we realized the beauty in that pursuit.  Go for the sake of going and be open to what happens along the way.  At Dawn to Dusk MTB we've learned how to combine the structure, energy, and success of a race attitude with the fulfillment that comes at the end of an adventure.  It.  Feels.  Good.


When you love something throw it at the wall and see what sticks.  No...that's not right. 


Find something you love and then do it only when you have increasingly infrequent free time.  Nope...not that either. 


We'll get it.


Take something you like, invest singular focus on it, love the process of being better at this thing, and then, after it's changed your life, share what you love.  There it is.  That's what we do.  


Our 1:1 Coaching Program, our 3-Day MTB Camps, our Excursions and our Shuttle Rides provide curated, proven paths for the adventurer in you.  We do it on the bike, we do it in groups, we do it when things are tough, and we love it every step of the way.  Be coached.  You deserve it.



Justin Holle

Justin Holle

MTB Pro, USAC National Champion, Host "No Ride Around" Podcast

Brian Elander

Brian Elander

MTB Pro and DtD Ride Guide

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